Sunday, March 27, 2016

Fast & Furious 7... Behind The Scenes

Photo credited to Google

So we all know about this amazing movie franchise that people always look forward to watching through the years. We definitely know about the big and exaggerated stunts the movie takes on so that is what I will discuss today. How do they do all that? Is it CGI? 

GIF credited to Google

We are going to start with the car stunts. I have never in my life seen so many beautiful cars get destroyed over and over again. The first scene I will mention is the famous cars falling out of the airplanes scene. I will dare to say that the director James Wan is crazy and brilliant. As you can see from the GIF, the director had stunt actors throw themselves before the car fell out of the plane and after the car fell out of the plane in order to film the front and back of the cars. Some of the stunt actors had to hold on the car while it's falling in order to film a close shot of the car, give the car's point of view as it's falling from the plane, and then had to push himself away from the flying car in order to get the wide shot.They did have a helicopter filming around to record everything from the sky's point of view. They did have the challenge of how they were going to land a car in a road on a mountain and still keep driving after it has landed. Well, they literally threw several cars in order to test how they managed themselves on air. If they close the cars' windows the car would at some point stabilize itself and stopped moving all over the place. For the landing they had this crane pull the car as high as it could, I think it was about 200 feet up in the air and release the car to slide down a wire and as it got at about 12 feet close to the ground the car was released to be driven. All this was actually done in the mountains so that's pretty impressive. 

Photo Credited to Google

This next scene is about the car flying from one building to another and then to another. Of course the cars didn't fly out of such a big and tall building but it did fly out of a 40 feet tall building, which in my opinion it is still impressive. The building from where they fly out are real the are in the city of Abu Dhabi and the director basically photo shopped the car scene with the scenery of Abu Dhabi. The did recreate some of the inside of these buildings in order to film the action scenes. Once again the challenge was to create a beautiful and "controlled" landing from the flying car. So they created a 3 foot high and 120 feet long runway so the car had enough time to speed up and create the landing. 

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