Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Chucky... Behind The Scenes

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Today I will talk about a very special movie, a movie that has given us nightmares since we were kids. The movie is Chucky! Chucky has been terrorizing children and adult's dreams since 1988. Five movies have come out after this 1988 and we will have a new movie in 2017. This serial killer doll has progressed through the movies physically. I don't know personally what looks creeper, the good and innocent looking Chucky or the beat up full of stitches Chucky. With Chucky you get his famous wife, Tiffany, also a killer doll. So let's go on and talk about how they made this terrorizing doll.

 Photo Credited to Google

It takes about three technicians to control Chucky. All three of them move his eyebrow, mouth, head. However, in general it takes about fifteen people to make Chucky move the way that he does. These people control his whole body movement from his head to his little pinky and wrist. In some scenes of the movies, Chucky is acted out by a kid or a short person. They use them when they either have him running, climbing, killing, and other physical parts of his character. However, the majority of it is a robot. Chucky is a robot! They have different heads for Chucky since he has evolution through the years. They also have different bodies and body pieces because in some movies he is either burned or chopped up.

Photo Credited to Google
As for Tiffany, she came as an idea when one of the producers was at a video store and he saw a copy of the bride of frankenstein and he thought it would be cool if Chucky had a bride. They created her slowly because they wanted to make her as realistic as they could and it is difficult because the dolls are about two feet tall so they have a small figure to work with. Their point was to make her just as psychotic as Chucky and that she really does contemplate Chucky's personality. Together they make one.

Photo Credited to Google

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